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In this world we’re building, talent flows freely and cooperates. Human relationships are truly human, and diversity is appreciated as the greatest good we have.

Let's imagine a world in which limits are challenges instead of barriers. In which people live happily and enjoy learning. In which technology is in service to the majority, and no human feels absorbed by it.

In this world we’re building, talent flows freely and cooperates. Human relationships are truly human, and diversity is appreciated as the greatest good we have. Difficulties some people have are nothing more than holes others can fill with their skills. Learning is fun, and it’s the only thing that really engages.

“Let's imagine a world in which limits are challenges instead of barriers. In which people live happily and enjoy learning. In which technology is in service to the majority, and no human feels absorbed by it.”

Immobility is reserved only for inert beings, and repetitive activities don’t kill intelligence, as they are kept for artificial intelligence. Education is centered on achieving happiness for each individual, on helping each human to understand their and others’ uniqueness.

Technology takes care of nature, and helps us be more connected to it. Cities are safe spaces and everyone is committed to others’ learning, offering their knowledge, especially to the youth.

We want a world where happiness and success are the same word.