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A bit of history...

Colors of Talent is born under the umbrella of Talent For a Better Society, a foundation created by Pablo Caballero and Eva Coll with the objective of promoting the the integration of brilliant minds and talent into society.

Colors of Talent is born under the umbrella of Talent For a Better Society, a foundation created by Pablo Caballero and Eva Coll with the objective of promoting the integration of brilliant minds and talent into society. The school, they believe, is having difficulty in empowering less conventional talent. In the end, the 25-30 students in a classroom are limited in their potential. And only a few shine. The majority of those 25-30 projects that will make up tomorrow’s society are eliminated. Diversity is cancelled, and with it a better world in the future.

After a period of reflection on how to contribute to the education system, they realize which path to follow. They observe that while schools can’t seem to awaken an interest for learning, screens capitalize on attention from the youth.

“… while schools can’t seem to awaken an interest for learning, screens capitalize on attention from the youth.”

They quickly understand that it’s a powerful opportunity. And it is so for both positive development and the educational catastrophe. In addition, it seems like the latter is winning the match. They can’t stand looking. They see it at home: the screens turn their kids into expert apprentices, but only sometimes. In all other cases, screens work like a magnet that keeps them abstracted without much significance: superficiality, virtuality, and mediocrity are the main courses of the digital menu.

In march of 2021, they get down to work. In little time, they consolidate an intergenerational team consisting of people of widely diverse disciplines. All aligned with a same objective: help psychology, pedagogy, and society in general win the Attention War against platforms that only seek their own gain.

“… work in investigation on screen overuse, educational innovation, and development of skills in the new social paradigm of the Information Age.”

From then on, they’ve used all means at their disposal to work in investigation on screen overuse, educational innovation, and development of skills in the new social paradigm of the Information Age. This, together with a wide vision through partnerships (as we’re all in the same boat) and to put in practice the developed methodology.


  • May, 2021. Start of pilot tests with various groups of young people between 12 and 17 years of age. The results were very positive.
  • September, 2021. Start of secondary pilot tests, in partnership with various entities.