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What is Colors of Talent?

It is a psychoeducational platform platform for kids, families, and schools. We use AI-powered tools and methodologies to feed kids’ natural curiosity in their learning process. Anytime, anywhere, developing self-control when facing addictive technologies.

Colors of Talent is a psychoeducational platform for kids, families, and schools. We use AI-powered tools and methodologies to feed kids’ natural curiosity in their learning process. Anytime, anywhere, developing self-control when facing addictive technologies.

With it, we mean to use technology as a catalyst, and not a barrier, to development of the next generation. We want to serve education to achieve the change that the Digital Revolution requires of it.

“We use AI-powered tools and methodologies to feed kids’ natural curiosity in their learning process.”

We use the same techniques that addictive platforms use that, through intelligent and adaptive algorithms, capitalize on attention from the youth (and, in general, the whole population). We want to go from the technological solutions that require us to be stuck to them to ones that work as a complement to a positive development. Artificial intelligence, data, fluid communication… Can be to the service of the greater good.

We believe it is urgent for the next generations to recover the control of their attention, their time, their lives. We are not naïve, we know technology is here to stay. Therefore, we intend to adapt it so it helps us in this process.

“We understand that we need to educate in independence, and this is why believe that we need to go from parental control to autocontrol”

We work in two lines:

  • The promotion of responsible use of new technologies, not cancelling them, but embracing them and educating in them. We understand that we need to educate in independence, and this is why believe that we need to go from parental control to autocontrol. They can be very positive if we learn to benefit from them and we stop using them as passive consumers. They’re a tool with great potential, for both development and damage. For now, the latter is winning the match. But with education of use it’s possible to revert the process.
  • The development of soft skills The intent is to improve all of those abilities that, through inertia, often get forgotten or are left unprioritized in school curricula: communication, teamwork, empathy, assertiveness, time management… Through games, we seek to feed the kid’s natural curiosity in their learning process.

“… to improve all of those abilities that, through inertia, often get forgotten or are left unprioritized in school curricula: communication, teamwork, empathy, assertiveness, time management…”

We investigate in collaboration with sanitary institutions to help them improve their approach to screen overuse, at the same time we validate and improve our methodology from a clinical point of view.

In our process we work with the new technologies. We use this methodology in ourColors Space micro-classrooms, in which gamification is always present. Learn more about Colors Space here.

With Mymmo, a tool that interact with the youth with a communication style similar to theirs, we use interaction to know them better and to personalize, with their individuality and interests in mind. Learn more about Mymmo here.